
If You Want to Do Something, Do It Well: Pei Chyi

“If you want to do something, do it well” – Pei Chyi, Founder of Happy & Co


The Creative Girlboss team had the privilege of spending time with this power mama who is also a dear friend, to talk about what’s been going on in her life. We would like to introduce you to Pei Chyi, the Founder of Happy & Co, a party planning and design company!

Happy & Co specialises in party planning and making every event special. Also, they style dessert and cake presentation tables, entire event space decoration including balloon sculpture, pillars and arch decoration service.

How would you define ‘living a creative life’?

Pei Chyi: Hi, my name is Pei Chyi and I am a party planner and I design parties for my customers. Design is very subjective; I think at the end of the day it’s something that I have good vibes about that’s what living a creative life is.

What motivates you to do what you do?

Pei Chyi: During the days when I was working for someone, it was corporate events, its very different from party planning. Party planning is more personal, and because the relationship is much closer I am able to sort of translate what they like into a design and a party that they really enjoy. The look on their faces when they show up is really priceless!

party plannerPhoto by Louis Gan Photography (LGP)

How did you get into party planning?

Pei Chyi: Starting this journey as a party planner, I would say must have stemmed out from having kids.

What are some of the challenges you face in pursing your dream?

Pei Chyi: I like entertaining, I like throwing good parties, but getting into party planning was not an easy task because I had zero design knowledge. I couldn’t use illustrator, but I knew I had to learn and I just used Youtube tutorials and it was also very helpful that I have peers and contractors who were very helpful in educating me as well in certain aspects on how to make this work, how to get that done.

party planner

Photo by Louis Gan Photography (LGP)

What keeps you going? Have you ever thought of throwing in the towel?

Pei Chyi: The thought of giving up always crossed my mind particularly in the first year, but you just keep pushing on because you have a support system giving me the motivational speech on and off like “if you never do it, you never know”. If you give up so quickly, you don’t even know that you’ve gone to the ends of trying to make it work. It would not have happened if I did not have that sort of support.

party plannerPhoto by Louis Gan Photography (LGP)

How do you think your wife is doing thus far?

David: Hi, I’m David and this is Pei Chyi my wife, Zack my eldest, and Aaron the cheekiest. I think Pei Chyi has been doing a great job.

In the beginning there was of course some speed bumps, learning curve, but I think she has managed to get over that and has done a great job as she has made a name for herself in the industry, and people actually look out for her and she has repeat customers as well.


happy and coPhoto by Zach Chin

What would be your advise to anyone who is looking to pursue their creative life?

Pei Chyi: I would say that if you want to get into this whole creative lifestyle, if you want to do something, do it well. Not be half hearted about it, not be lazy about it, if you have that idea you want to do, do the research, figure it out and then execute it.


Thank You for spending your day with us Pei Chyi, it was lovely to meet the family. In our eyes you’re really superwoman, we don’t know how you do it. For similar stories of creative entrepreneurs such as this check out – You Don’t See It As A Job, You Think of It As A Passion: Li Ping.

If you wished to be profiled or to share your story, reach us via email at, or say Hello on our Creative Girlboss Facebook page.

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