
Elizabeth Quay, Perth

Back to Perth for client meetings and meeting up with lovely friends and family. Had to visit the brand new Elizabeth Quay, the $440 million project to reconnect the city with the river. I thought it might be crowded over the weekend as it’s just opened recently, so came after work one evening with my tripod and had a play with my camera. I think having a professional camera hanging around my neck seem to certify me as a pro tourist photographer, I literally got stopped 5-6 times to take a tourist photo, but it was all good fun!

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Anyway, Elizabeth Quay is a beautiful place for a walk and to bring your kids to. I do miss living here… #perthisok

“It must be a cliché to say that Perth is coming of age, but in truth there is a definite sense of progress, a feeling most palpable during these summer months when the weather, arts events, new food offerings and infrastructure development converge. Life here is suffused with a lazy cocktail of beachy mornings, long brunches and evenings drinking under a fragrant sky.”

Charles Bogle, Curias

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