
Making Your Own Choices


I believe everyone has a dream, but the dream is also a choice. You choose who you want to be or what you want to do, but you also then have to take action and move towards that path. The bigger the dream, the harder you have to work or hustle. You choose your own mountain to climb, be it a small one or a big one, so it’s up to you to climb it now. No one else can do it for you.

You also have to take responsibility for it, and be in control of your own journey. Every decision you make, every action you take, will either bring you closer to the peak, or brings you back down a few steps. Keep learning how to conquer the mountain, climbing up carefully and slowly. You can choose a steep and perilous one, or an easy climb.

Either way, it is your choice. Take responsibility on how you choose to live your life. Making it happen, it’s up to you.

Image by Sven Scheuermeier

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